Tulip Bouquet Melbourne


What we mean to say is – celebrate tulips this season! These dancing beauties are mixed with fresh foliage and are available in 20, 30, 40 and 50 stem bouquet options depending on your budget and the impact you want to make. As their blooms open they will put on an amazing display. And here`s and interesting fact: Did you know tulip stems grow in length when put it water? You can choose from a colourful palette of tulips ranging from red, pink, purple, yellow, white or orange. Choosing the right colour is dependent on the person, and the occasion. If someone is bright and bubbly, then yellow tulips will certainly suit their personality perfectly! Pink tulips would be perfect for a girly girl, or for a gorgeous newborn baby girl! Bright red is perfect for a birthday, and orange tulips are great for a work colleague or client. These favourites are an ideal bouquet for any occasion! Send flowers online via our online florist shop, give our florist team a call or email directly to

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